UniBall Three-Way Check Valve Offers Inline Maintenance
April 24, 2014

UniBall Slurry Valve
The UniBall Three-Way Check Valve (Ball Valve) is Unicast’s recent cost-cutting solution for the mining industry. Designed for quick and easy inline maintenance, the UniBall is the first of its kind.
Traditional ball valves require removal from the pipeline in order to perform routine maintenance. This procedure involves shutting down operations, using a crane to remove the valve, and often having to send the valve off-site for repair or maintenance. This is costly and time-consuming.
The Unicast UniBall Three-Way Check Valve is designed to cut the unnecessary costs of downtime and labor. The UniBall slurry valve is quick and easy to maintain.
Both sides of the valve housing feature a large access panel. Unbolt one of the panels, reach in and unbolt the removable seat. Replace the worn seat with a new one and re-bolt the door.
As you can see, maintenance is very easy. You don’t need a crane, and you don’t need more than one person.
Why spend time and money removing a valve from the pipeline when you don’t have to?